Our Offer

Wedding music has to fulfil high expectations and demands - the music must be festive but yet discreet, music that cherishes and thrills. We are convinced that the wedding ceremony needs something more delicate than let's say pop or rock-and-roll music - the right wedding music shall take you to the vibrant world of magic and high society. And we believe that that is exactly the role suitable for classical music.
We would like to suggest a few possibilities which we will be happy to adapt exactly to your needs and expectations:
Wedding ceremony music:
Organ music is a great choice, especially for wedding ceremony in a church. Unfortunatelly, organ cannot be found in every church or a place of your choice. Where possible, we can surely recommend organ music to give your wedding the flashiness. Together with our organists, we will be happy to choose the best music selection.
If you do not plan on a wedding in a church, or maybe the organ is not the right choice for you, we suggest that you considered a string quartet (or trio or quintet - depends on the situation). Due to our experience, you can hardly find anything more flexible and versatile - there are plenty of compositions to choose from, and it is almost incomparable to let's say recorded music (not only because electronically played music just doesn't seem right in such places - contrary of classical music, which has been specially composed for such occasions). But you can also perform the ceremony in the open air (which would otherwise mean a great hassle with the electricity) - you will fully evaluate the atmosphere of the classical music.
Wedding dinner music:
Wedding dinner music is there for you to support the culinary experience with the proper selection of music. The music should not be very loud, as people will likely want to discuss the extraordinary ceremony they have just witnessed! We have testified that music performed by a string quartet, quintet or even octet (four, five, or eight musicians), is great for arching the atmosphere of the ceremony to the atmosphere of relaxation. The selection also depends on the location, where the dinner takes place.
Music for relaxation and entertainment:
After the special experience and the excellent dinner, there is the time for relaxation and real entertainment as well. And believe it or not, there is a space for the acoustic music as well. Why not organize a little dance intermezzo? Our musicians will select the appropriate compositions and will change into a dance-music orchestra. Who wouldn't like to dance a royal waltz, traditional Czech polka or passionate tango?
Not every place is suitable for real dancing, though. But it is not necessary to be sorry. Especially older generation will enjoy listening to evergreen dance tunes. For such ocassions, we offer expansion up to a chamber orchestra, or even a symphony orchestra, which will leave no doubt that you mean it seriously with the entertainment.
We have not mentioned all the posibilities, of course. Send us a note and we will do the rest! High quality guaranteed.
Every wedding ceremony is unique and therefore the price differs for each event. For your idea, we list the most common variations with an approximate price with conversion to USD and EUR:
- Organ music for the wedding ceremony in Prague: 2,790 CZK ($132 • 118€)
- String Trio for the wedding ceremony in Prague: 5,890 CZK ($278 • 250€)
- String Quartet for the wedding ceremony in Prague: 7,790 CZK ($368 • 330€)
- String Quintet for the wedding ceremony and banquet: 17,890 CZK ($845 • 759€)
- String Quintet for the wedding ceremony, banquet and entertainment: 22,990 CZK ($1,085 • 975€)
- Orchestra for banquet and entertainment: 97,990 CZK ($4,626 • 4,157€)
- Transportation fee outside of Prague: 7.50 CZK/km ($0.35/km • 0.32€/km)
- Transportation fee within Prague: free of charge